The call to Harvest

Friday 09 October 2020

Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.

John 4 v 35

The harvest has always been a beautiful and important part of the cycles of life on earth. It is a great reminder of God’s provision and blessing, and the need to care for our world. Its also a visual a reminder to us to continually live a life of thankfulness and generosity which should mark our Spirit filled Lives as standard.


Harvest in the bible also carries rich metaphors, Jesus used it in parables to explain the kingdom of God, it’s used to help us understand spiritual growth and health. But Jesus also used harvest as a metaphor to connect the peoples understanding of the work he had come to do on earth. To gather a harvest of people out of the field of the world and save them from the judgement to come.  The people of Jesus’ time understood far more than we do about the urgency of gathering and the need for workers. They knew well the processes to produce food from seed to stomach. They also knew the joy of the whole community working together to gather in the harvest and the celebration together when that was complete. The nearest we get to this is a walk with the dog through the fields or a visit to the supermarket shelf for our instant nicely packaged processed foods.


In the time Jane and myself have been MBC, we have seen such thankfulness and generosity in action and its clearly a wonderful strength of the church. This week I  was led look at Jesus words “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest” This is an area of church life where we still have room to grow. As I prayed I heard the whisper of God speaking to my heart “I want you to join me in bringing in my harvest, look around you see the need surely its time.” Or open your eyes to the mission field around you, never say its not the time, and respond to the advert, help wanted the harvest is great.

I am so challenged as I reflect on myself and I encourage you to do the same. When was the last time I ventured into this harvest, preached the kingdom to those who are lost with Hope? When did I last pray for someone to healed on the street, or see the demonised set free, when last did I do the things Jesus did rather than just talk about it ? When last did I do something in faith that was beyond my natural ability where if God didn’t act then nothing would happen?


I know I must grow deeper in Jesus’ vision again of working in His harvest, my hope is many of you will continue to grow in this with Jesus to. We are living days when it feels so urgent, and the call of God is growing louder for us all to serve together in God’s great gathering in of precious lives. We won’t all be at the sharp edge as God calls and gifts us to be where he wants, but it is to play a part, and share in the joy and celebration together as one body in God’s great harvest.

With much Love Mark & Jane


Discover more

  Luke 10 v 1-20

If God brought a harvest of 50 new believers to our church how would we be able to care for them?

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Rosemary Street
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NG19 6AB
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