Together we are a body

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Even as the body is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many, are one body, so also is Christ.

1 Corinthians 12:12

In the New Testament, the human body is one of the pictures of the church. It’s a fantastic picture and helps to refresh ourselves on the diversity and unity of the church.

The reason our physical body is one is that all the parts are connected. If we cut off a finger, the finger dies. If we want it to function, we must get it reconnected quickly. Connection is absolutely necessary for life. Every part of the body has a function and each part is needed for the body to work as it should. As believers and followers of Jesus Christ our Lord, our spiritual well-being depends on our connection with Christ through His body. If a body part is missing or not working the body can and will adapt and, in many cases, continue to work but it also is hindered or at worse left unable to function properly. When a church functions like a whole healthy body there is not only harmony but acceleration in the works and advance of the kingdom of God.

We are not an organization, but an organism. We can create a robot and have organization. The parts connect to each other so that it works. But the problem with the robot is that it has no life. It is organizationally connected, but it’s not a living being. A human body, in contrast, has organization that makes it function, but it also is an organism. It’s a living, breathing life.
In 1 Peter 3 v 8 Peter encouraged the church to Be of one mind: We are one; but we are not all the same. While we should all be of one mind, we can’t expect everyone to be like us. God has built both unity and diversity among His people. Every cell of your body is different, and each one has its role to play. But every cell in your body has variations of the same DNA code written in it, the master plan for the whole body. Every cell in your body has the same “mind.” So that it all functions together in unity.
So, Connection in the body is necessary for function and for life, and it is essential that we are of one mind to be all that Jesus has made us to be so we make a lasting impact on our community and in our world.

Discover more

  1 Corinthians 12 v 12-27

One hundred religious persons knit into a unity by careful organization do not constitute a church any more than eleven dead men make a football team. The first requisite is life, always

A.W. Tozer
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