Friday 26 February 2021

if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
I Have a question for you. In times of uncertainty, when troubles abound, where darkness and evil seem to have the upper hand, and when fear and anxiety is rising. As God’s people what will we do?
Of course, the text book answer is for the church to get on its knees and pray? But do we really believe in the power of prayer to change nations? I am surprised how low the call to pray nationally has been during this time of Crisis. Of course, people are praying individually and all of us have prayed for others and many situations personally over this year.
I love some of the stories where God has changed the course of history and has involved the prayers of his people. On 23rd May, King George VI requested that the following Sunday should be observed as a National Day of Prayer. Late on the Saturday evening the military decision was taken to evacuate as many as possible of the Allied forces from Dunkirk. On the Sunday, the nation devoted itself to prayer in an unprecedented way. Eyewitnesses and photographs confirm overflowing congregations in places of worship across the land. Long queues formed outside cathedrals. The same day an urgent request went out for boats of all sizes and shapes to cross the English Channel to rescue the besieged army, a call ultimately answered by around 800 vessels. Yet even before the praying curious events were happening. In a decision that infuriated his generals and still baffles historians, Hitler ordered his army to halt. Had they continued to fight, the destruction of the Allied forces would have been inevitable and the war would have taken a different, darker and more terrible path. Yet for three days the German tanks and soldiers stood idle while the evacuation unfolded. Not only so, bad weather on the Tuesday grounded the Luftwaffe, allowing Allied soldiers to march unhindered to the beaches. In contrast, on Wednesday the sea was extraordinarily calm, making the perilous evacuation less hazardous. By the time the German Army was finally ordered to renew its attack, over 338,000 troops had been snatched from the beaches. There are many accounts where the power of God through prayer has been at work in a nation not just in the bible, but throughout history.
We are looking at Psalm 34 this week it encourages us, in times of crisis we can unlock change by Looking up in Praise, by crying out to God over our situation, and waiting upon, gazing on Him, and being changed ourselves, regardless of how God answers.
I have heard from a good number of Christian leaders recently that there is a call from the Lord for us to grow deeper in prayer, together as church/s, in small groups, and individually in the secret place. God says if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 1 Chronicles 7 v 14
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Psalm 34 v 1-11
To get nations back on their feet, we must first get down on our knees.