
Tuesday 31 March 2020

Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established.

Romans 13 v 1

If you are like the rest of the country, you are probably in political fatigue and overload right now, but don’t switch channels! There is no doubt we are in a mess, and we live in very confusing times when the boundaries around who and what we would vote are very blurred indeed. But vote we must, with great prayerfulness. Some issues however, as God’s people we should consider.
Firstly: We need to remember the state is a means of God’s ‘common grace’. The Bible is very clear that the governing authorities should act on God’s behalf to restrain evil and promote what is good (Romans 13 and 1 Peter 2). This benefits all people in this world, not just Christians. Its our duty is to obey the governing authorities. The exception is where they forbid what God requires, or require what God forbids (Acts 5:29). But what voting option gives the potential of lesser or greater evil?
Secondly: The General Election provides an opportunity for us to speak out and play our part. Governments can make it easier or harder to live freely as a Christian or to share the Gospel. Believers have to make a judgement about how their vote can be used to best effect. A new Parliament could vote on laws liberalising divorce, abortion and drugs; laws affecting religious liberty, freedom of speech, transgender rights and teaching on marriage, sex and relationships in schools and environmental issues. Not just the dominating issue of our time BREXIT. These are all issues of concern to Christians.
No one can tell you how to vote. But the Christian Institute does provide some helpful information to inform your vote from a Christian viewpoint. It is unlikely that you will find a party or a candidate you believe has all the right views. For many Christians and probably most of the nation there is now a genuine dilemma over choosing a party or a particular candidate. When everything is so difficult. So, Weigh the evidence and exercise your Christian conscience.
So, let’s join together in church or at home and pray over this week, that God’s will be done on earth as in heaven.
The boiler room prayer in church is open between 8am-9.30am each day, do come and pray with us for this and other matters. Why not meet with a couple of friends this week, or pray with your partner over this important issue. Or follow the Facebook group
God Bless Mark.

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 Acts 16 v 19-40

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people—2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.

1 Timothy 2 v 1-2
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