Whatever Happens !

Friday 16 October 2020

“at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.”

Philippi (chapter 2:5-11)

‘Whatever happens’ - have you heard this phrase used recently or used it yourself? There are so many uncertainties and questions. We are facing the unknown and ask ‘How long will this go on?’ Rest assured, we are not the only ones not knowing what will happen.

This is just what St Paul was feeling when writing to the church at Philippi (1:27) and we shall look further at his wise instruction and encouragement in our service this week. In chapter 2:1-4 we learn more about what it means to belong to Christ and how this helps us in our daily living.

I am always encouraged and challenged to remember that when Paul wrote to the church in Philippi he wrote to all of them. Sometimes we tend to think we are the only ones who need    instruction or who are asked to give it to others. So it is a comfort to realise that we are all encouraged to help one another as members of the Body of Christ.

Our reading this week concludes (chapter 2:5-11) with “at the name of Jesus every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father.” Our confusion can be transformed into praise; fear can be replaced by trust as together we experience and share God’s love.

May God bless you and encourage you.



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 Philippi (1:27) (2:1-4)

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