Who dares Wins

Tuesday 31 March 2020

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.

1 peter 4 v 10

Everything in this life is a risk. You are given only two options. Take the risk and expect results or don’t take a risk and expect nothing. God uses people who are willing to get out of their comfort zone or into the zone where faith kicks in. He uses people who are willing to take risks.

Have you ever jumped in the sea when the water is really cold? At first, you are hesitant because you know the water will be very cold. You dip your toe in the water then if you’re brave you wade in up to your knees, and then its decision time! All in or All out! What happens if you dive in? Its freezing, it’s a shock and really cold at first. But as you remain in the water for a while it’s not that bad, in fact it becomes exhilarating and refreshing. God reminds us that sometimes taking risks can be like this, cold and scary at first, but then after a while you learn it’s not that bad.

To step out into any new venture and especially for Jesus and his Kingdom             undoubtably involves risk but also has great reward, firstly for Jesus and secondly, we get to share in His what He is doing. Read the stories of the heroes of the bible, all of them had to take risks and exercise faith and do something. We all have been given a wonderful gift of life and gifts from the storehouse of heaven to use for his greater purposes, but are we willing to try even if it means failure? We must always remember God is in control and much bigger and more able then our doubts or fears.

‘The Parable of the Talents’ a is a story that invites us to use what God has given with the best of our ability, but it also reminds us there are no rewards or prizes in heaven for being too cautious and doing nothing. Quite the opposite in fact. Jesus said “For the Son of Man is going to come in His Father's glory with His angels, and then He will reward each person according to what He has done (Matthew 16:27).” This amazing story also teaches us to use wisely God’s good gifts to bring him honour.

Are we as the People of God risk taking enough in the outworking of our faith in the bringing the Kingdom of God to our community, our family, our social network, our work colleagues? Remember WHO DARES WINS! Let us be that kind of church together.


Discover more

 Matthew 25:14–30

“Great things never came from comfort zones.” or “Better an oops than a what if.”

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NG19 6AB
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